Rights of Members


As someone who receives support, you should have an understanding of what to expect from the services and supports you receive from Community Living Atikokan.

You have the right:

1.      To be treated in a kind, polite and respectful manner.

2.      To be free from mental, emotional, physical, and financial abuse.

3.      To free movement.

4.      To own and access personal possessions.

5.      To be dealt with in a manner that respects your privacy and maintains confidentiality.

6.      To be treated as a unique individual. Services and supports should recognize and respond to your unique needs and preferences.

7.      To develop a life plan which will be used to communicate to your support team your personal goals and aspirations for the future.

8.      To give or refuse consent to the provision of service and support from us.

9.      To raise concerns or recommend changes in connection with the service provided to you.