Bearwood and the 2010 G8 Photos
Jane, Pam and Canada's Laureen Harper
Pam and Jane demonstating ribbing
Pam and Jane demonstating ribbing
Pam and Laureen Harper bending a rib
Edie demonstrating caning a seat for Japan's Nabuko Kan,
Canada's Laureen Harper, Nigeria's Patience Goodluck Jonathan, Malawi's Callista Mutharika,
Ban Soon-taek from the United Nations, the European Council's Geertrui Van Rompuy,
and Magarida Barroso of the European Commission
Edie and Japan's Nabuko Kan
Malawi's Callista Mutharika, Russia's Svetlana Maedvedeva, Ban Soon-taek from the United Nations, Canada's Laureen Harper, Japan's Nabuko Kan, the European Council's Geertrui Van Rompuy, Nigeria's Patience Goodluck Jonathan and Magarida Barroso of the European Commission • home