Weed Control
Weeds can be the most visible and frustrating problem with a lawn. The key to keeping weeds under control is to maintain a healthy, thick and vigorously growing lawn. Most weeds need adequate sunlight to germinate, a healthy lawn can choke and prevent weeds from getting established. A good lawn care program of fertilizer and proper cutting height will go a long way to controlling weeds.
FIESTA LIQUID WEED KILLER: A new product of concentrated iron, applied as a liquid, is readily absorbed by broadleaf plants, turning leaves a dark brown or black colour in as little as 24 hours. Larger, more established weeds may require two applications. Also effective against moss, but will not harm grasses.
Choosing a Lawn Care Company:
If you want to avoid the hassles of determining application rates, choosing the proper products and applying pesticides and fertilizers yourself, you can hire a professional to do it for you. Be cautious when hiring a company to do any pesticide application on your behalf. In Ontario the company MUST have an Operator's Licence as issued by the Ministry of the Environment, and the proper Landscape Exterminator License to apply any product containing a pesticide as defined by the Pesticides Act. This includes liquid pesticides and granular pesticides as found in many weed and feed fertilizers. The licenses insure the company has the proper training, knowledge and insurance coverage to apply pesticides safely. Hiring an unlicenced, and uninsured company to apply pesticides is illegal, and may leave you liable for any damages, environmental or insurance claims, that may result from their activities on your property. Choosing a licenced company insures quality work and less chance of harm to people and the environment. Ask to see their licence before you accept their service.
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