For Earth’s Sake!

A United Church of Canada McGeachy Scholarship Project

by Meg Jordan


The transformative powers attributed to the universe in David Christian’s  account of the evolution of the universe (BAM!!!) in this now famous 18-minute TEDtalk are the same powers attributed to the life force and sacred presence known within Christianity and other world religions as “God.”  For the earth’s sake and for our children’s sake we must learn to tell this amazing story of Big History as a sacred story--a story referred to with reverence in the Bible by people from a different time and culture. These people had a connection to Reality which we have largely lost in our own day! We desperately need to become reconnected to this Reality through images and metaphors that will resonate with our experiences as humans in the world we live in today.

For many of us such a reconnection may involve an adjustment of our image of God and how God works in the world. Most significantly, we will need to let go of an image of God as a distant supernatural Creator who is above and outside the world. We must move towards an image of God as the creative presence and power always at work within and throughout the world--the pulsing, vibrating, ever-evolving life within which the entire cosmos “lives and moves and has its being.” Fortunately, this is an adjustment that our biblical ancestors made long before modern science emerged. However, it is an image that has not been given much credence for many centuries despite the fact that the idea of God Almighty working through the life and death of Jesus depends upon it. The name of this biblical image is Hokhmah in Hebrew,Sophia in Greek, and Wisdom in English-- a moving, flowing, feminine, ever-changing, always active, intelligent and loving divine presence found and experienced, as Brian Swimme says, at “the heart of the cosmos”.

Read Prov 8:22-Prov 8:31 - Wisdom’s Part in Creation - The LORD - Bible Gateway

and Wisdom 7: 22-8:1 NRSVA - for wisdom, the fashioner of all - Bible Gateway

Reclaiming the sacred nature of the cosmos — and of Planet Earth in particular — is one of the outstanding spiritual challenges of our time. Therefore, let all our storytelling about God be filled with the wonder and awe of being immersed in the “Big History” story of threshold moments in an evolving universe and of human participation as intelligent, creative, meaning making beings within an amazing, mysterious, ever-emerging story.