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The Iriquoian Village in Apple QuickTimeVR

This file is a 4-node (4 panoramas in one) Apple QuickTimeVR. It includes 2 nodes of the interior of the Turtle Clan Longhouse (same as below) and 2 views of the village grounds.  

When your cursor changes to an arrow pointing up, click to jump to that node.  

Just click on the longhouse door to get outside or inside. (when outside, the longhouse is the one obscured by trees).

Note: You need Apple QuickTime. (for more instructions, see below)

Turtle Clan Longhouse

The smallest of the five longhouses and home to an estimated 48 people, the Turtle Clan longhouse measures 25 metres in length and is 7.7 metres wide. These dwellings were built as high as they were wide and very long, the length relating to the size of the family. The height of the longhouses allowed smoke from fires to rise above eye level.

Note: To rotate your view, click and drag on the image. To zoom in, press & hold SHIFT. To zoom out, hold CTRL. When the cursor becomes an arrow pointing up, click to jump to the next node.

If you don't have Apple QuickTime yet, bookmark this site, and click here to go get it, then come back and look around the village...

Inside the longhouse you'll see things set up pretty much the way they would have been when it was occupied. There are several firepits in the dirt floor, each underneath a vent in the roof to let the smoke out. Many artifacts and furnishings complete the interior. There are stores of food, animal skins, tools and cooking utensils, baskets, toys and amusements, and even a real birchbark canoe. The village and longhouse have been used for many motion picture shoots, including, in 1996, Pocahantas, and The Oath. You may not see it filled with cast members in traditional native costume, but the house is ready if they ever wanted to move in. You'll be taken back by the atmosphere of a long house from long ago. 

QuickTime Panorama photos: Max Payne
QuickTime programming: Mike Loghrin
All other photos, graphic design & html: Imre de Jonge 
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